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Hist Sci ; 61(4): 522-545, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38037374


By recovering the dependent, often enslaved, laborers who helped to make European medicines commercially available in the New England colonies, this article offers a new history of early American pharmaceutical knowledge and production. It does so by considering the life and labor of an unnamed, enslaved assistant who was said to make tinctures, elixirs, and other common remedies in a 1758 letter between two business partners, Silvester Gardiner, a successful surgeon and apothecary in Boston, Massachusetts, and William Jepson, his former apprentice, in Hartford, Connecticut. Using strategies from slavery and critical archive studies, as well as from social history and the history of medicine, this article emphasizes the materiality and embodiment of pharmaceutical production and follows fragmentary evidence beyond the business archive to reverse the systemic erasure of enslaved and indentured laborers from the records of eighteenth-century manufacturers of medicines. The medicine trades of men like Gardiner and Jepson appear more reliant upon dependent laborers - named and unnamed - who not only performed rote tasks but brought their experience and judgment to their labors as well. Their contributions could be obviously medical (preparing remedies) or more ambiguous (stoking fires, shipping goods), but these actions together constituted early modern pharmacy, enabled the expansion of the transatlantic medicine trade, and laid the foundations for the more self-sufficient and industrialized pharmacy that developed in the nineteenth century. Centering the skill and knowledge among subordinated laborers in one facet of an emergent transatlantic care economy affirms the entanglement of slavery and science and underscores the necessity of asking new questions of old sources.

História da Farmácia , Assistência Farmacêutica , Farmácias , Farmácia , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Estados Unidos
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 89(4)Oct-Dic, 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229820


La Historia del Medicamento tiene su origen ya en la vida y civilizaciones primitivas hasta la actualidad fantástica hoy en la Biotecnología Farmacéutica, en el escenario de las vacunas contra el Covid-19 que han salvado millones de vidas. Las plantas medicinales aún hoy son de uso común en la mayoría de los países de Latinoamérica. “Las Farmacopeas son un conjunto de normas sobre principios activos, productos farmacéuticos auxiliares, productos medicamentos o terminados, y métodos recomendados a fin de constatar si éstos las cumplen y que han sido publicados y reconocidos por la autoridad sanitaria competente.” Estas normas regulan el circuito de los medicamentos en los distintos países. El acceso a los medicamentos es un factor esencial para el uso adecuado de los mismos. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la tercera parte de la población mundial no tiene acceso a medicamentos esenciales para la salud (más de 2,5 mil millones de seres humanos). Las compañías farmacéuticas de investigación dedicaron un total de 198.000 millones de USD en I+D en el año 2020 (último año con datos oficiales).Esto significa una inversión muy superior a otros sectores de Alta Tecnología. Así es 8,1 veces mayor que lo dedicado a la Industria Aeroespacial y de Defensa, 7,2 veces superior a la Industria Química y 1,2 veces que las de las compañías de Software y Servicios Informáticos.Para el año 2026 se estima se alcance un monto de 254 mil millones de USD.La Federación Europea de la Industria Farmacéutica (EFPIA) estima en 8.000 el número de medicamentos en ensayos clínicos (10% para enfermedades raras).(AU)

The main protagonist of Pharmacy is Medicine; Without it, there would be no such thing, and its companion, medicine, would be in a very bad light, for it would have lost its main purpose.”The History of Medicines has its origins in primitive life and civilizations until the present fantastic today in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, in the scenario of vaccines against Covid-19 that have saved millions of lives. Medicinal plants are still in common use today in most Latin American countries. “The Pharmacopoeias are a set of standards on active ingredients, ancillary pharmaceutical products, medicinal or finished products, and recommended methods in order to verify whether they comply with them and that have been published and recognized by the competent health authority.” These rules govern the circuit of me- dicines in the various countries. Access to medicines is an essential factor for the proper use of medicines. According to the World Health Orga- nization, one third of the world’s population does not have access to essential health medicines (more than 2.5 billion human beings). Pharmaceutical research companies dedicated a total of USD 198,000 million in R+D in 2020 (the last year with official data). This means a much higher investment than other high-tech sectors. This is 8.1 times higher than that dedicated to the Aerospace and Defense Industry, 7.2 times higher than the Chemical Industry and 1.2 times that of Soft- ware and Computer Services companies.By 2026, it is estimated that it will reach an amount of USD 254 billion.The European Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry (EFPIA) estimates the number of medicines in clinical trials at 8,000 (10% for rare diseases).(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Plantas Medicinais , Preparações Farmacêuticas/história , Farmacologia , História da Farmácia , Indústria Farmacêutica
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 89(3): 297-305, Juli-Sep. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226787


This study presents selected unpublished documents that concern the completion of the pharmacy degree programme and its corresponding qualifying exam, in accordance with the reforms of the Napoleonic Italian Republic (1802-1805) and the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy (1805-1814). The Law on Public Education of 4 September 1802 and the Study and Discipline Plans for National Universities of 1803 stated that pharmacists had to study for three years at one of the national universities in order to obtain an academic degree. These reforms also declared that, after graduating, a further exam was required before pharmacists could freely exercise their profession.The first remarkable document is the one containing the oath taken by pharmacy students upon obtaining their academic degree. The oath is very detailed and accurately describes the expectations that the new Italian Government placed on pharmacists, as well as all the duties that they had to fulfil.Among the documents of the Ufficio Centrale Medico, Chirurgico, Farmaceutico (Central Medical, Surgical and Pharmaceutical Office) – the body that at the time was responsible for qualifying health professionals – there are the Office regulations, with all the rules concerning the pharmacists’ qualifying exam and their proclamation. There is also the oath formula that pharmacists read aloud at the end of their final exam. This oath was more concise than the oath taken at the end of university studies and, in this case, it was the same as the one taken by physicians and surgeons. What is also remarkable in these documents is the special qualification that was granted to those most deserving pharmacists who passed the exam with excellent marks: the possibility of producing and selling large quantities of chemical-pharmaceutical compounds to other pharmacists.(AU)

Este estudio presenta una selección de documentos inéditos relativos a la obtención del grado académico de farmacia y su correspondiente examen de habilitación, de acuerdo con las reformas de la República Italiana Napoleónica (1802-1805) y del Reino Napoleónico de Italia (1805-1814). La Ley de Instrucción Pública de 4 de septiembre de 1802 y los Planes de Estudio y Disciplina de las Universidades Nacionales de 1803 establecían que los farmacéuticos debían estudiar tres años en una de las universidades nacionales para obtener un título académico. Estas reformas también declaraban que, después de graduarse, se requería otro examen antes de que los farmacéuticos pudieran ejercer libremente su profesión.El primer documento destacable es el que contiene el juramento prestado por los estudiantes de farmacia al obtener su título académico. El juramento es muy detallado y describe con precisión las expectativas que el nuevo Gobierno italiano depositaba en los farmacéuticos, así como todas las obligaciones que debían cumplir.Entre los documentos del Ufficio Centrale Medico, Chirurgico, Farmaceutico (Oficina Central Médica, Quirúrgica y Farmacéutica), organismo que en aquella época se encargaba de habilitar a los profesionales sanitarios, se encuentra el reglamento del Ufficio, con todas las normas relativas al examen de habilitación de los farmacéuticos y su proclamación. También está la fórmula del juramento que los farmacéuticos leen al final de su examen final. Este juramento era más conciso que el que se prestaba al final de los estudios universitarios y, en este caso, era el mismo que el de los médicos y cirujanos. Lo que también llama la atención en estos documentos es la cualificación especial que se concedía a los farmacéuticos más meritorios que aprobaban el examen con excelentes notas: la posibilidad de producir y vender grandes cantidades de compuestos químico-farmacéuticos a otros farmacéuticos.(AU)

Humanos , Credenciamento , Licença de Funcionamento , Licenciamento em Farmácia , Educação em Farmácia , História da Farmácia , Farmácia , Códigos Civis , Farmacêuticos , História do Século XIX , Itália
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 89(3): 365-377, Juli-Sep. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-226791


Presentamos un análisis de la iconografía zoológica perteneciente a la botica de San Juan Bautista de Astorga, conservada en el Museo de la Farmacia Hispana de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Aun cuando la construcción de la cajonería está fechada en el siglo XVIII, el análisis iconográfico pone de manifiesto que debió ser repintada, al menos parcialmente, en el segundo tercio del XIX.(AU)

We present an analysis of the zoological iconography belonging to the pharmacy of San Juan Bautista de Astorga, preserved in the Hispanic Pharmacy Museum of the Complutense University of Madrid. Even though the construction of the chest of drawers dates from the 18th century, iconographic analysis shows that it must be repainted, at least partially, in the second third of the 19th century.(AU)

Humanos , História da Farmácia , Museus , Arte , Medicina nas Artes , Decoração de Interiores e Mobiliário , Espanha , Farmácia
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 89(3): 387-394, Juli-Sep. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-226793


El químico farmacéutico (doctor) Juan José Olivero Muñoz (Buenos Aires, 1921-Montevideo, 1993) fue uno de los destacados profesionales de la docencia e industria farmacéutica uruguaya. Ejerció como técnico en los laboratorios Athena; EMAR (Eduardo Márques Castro S. A.) y Dispert. Especialista en antibióticos, desarrolló asimismo distintos productos. Estudió la cloromicetina, publicando en Anales de la Asociación de Química y Farmacia del Uruguay y Chemical Abstracts. Fue autor de trabajos sobre hidrotropización en tecnología farmacéutica; valoración química del elixir de clorhidrato de difenhidramina y solvotropización de hormonas esteroides. Escribió varios capítulos de la enciclopedia Farmacotecnia teórica y práctica, texto de referencia. Presidió la Asociación de Química y Farmacia del Uruguay y fue docente de la Facultad de Química en varias asignaturas, principalmente Farmacotecnia, siendo catedrático y consejero de dicha facultad. Desde 1966 y hasta su fallecimiento, fue académico de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (España), honor al que pocos químicos accedieron por nuestro país. Fue reconocido luego de su fallecimiento, como uno de los prohombres de la profesión en Uruguay.(AU)

Pharmaceutical chemist (doctor) Juan José Olivero Muñoz (Buenos Aires, 1921-Montevideo, 1993) was one of the outstanding professionals in the uruguayan pharmaceutical teaching and industry. He worked as a technician in the laboratories Athena; EMAR (Eduardo Márques Castro S. A.) and Dispert. A specialist in antibiotics, he also developed different products. He studied chloromycetin, publishing in Annals of the Uruguayan Chemistry anf Pharmacy Association and Chemical Abstracts. He was author of papers on hydrotropization in pharmaceutical technology; chemical titration of diphenhydramine hydrochloride elixir and solvotropization of steroid hormones. He wrote several chapters of the encyclopedia Theoretical and practical Pharmacotechnics, a reference text. He was president of the Uruguayan Chemistry and Pharmacy Association and was a professor and advisor of the Faculty of Chemistry in several subjects, mainly Pharmacotechnics. From 1966 until his death, he was a member of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy (Spain), an honor to which few chemists had access in our country. After his death, he was recognized as one of the leading figures of the profession in Uruguay.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , História da Farmácia , Farmacêuticos , Educação em Farmácia , Química Farmacêutica/história , Uruguai , Farmácia
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 89(1): 117-125, Enero-Marzo 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-219538


Se presentan en este trabajo los orígenes del proceso que culminó en la creación de la empresa Zeltia S.A., buque insignia de la industria farmacéutica gallega. Sus antecedentes aparecen en la constitución formal en Vigo del Instituto Bio-Químico Miguel Servet, en abril de 1936, si bien el farmacéutico Rubira y el médico Obella habían estado trabajando en el proyecto al menos desde 1929. El levantamiento militar del 36 impacta directamente en las primeras etapas del laboratorio. Mientras unos socios se posicionan a favor del levantamiento, a otros les afectan seriamente las medidas represivas del nuevo régimen. En cualquier caso, entre unos y otros se establecen lazos de cooperación y se crean lealtades. Incluso, durante la Guerra Civil, se incorporan al laboratorio profesionales y técnicos represaliados por su ideología política. Finalizada la contienda, cuando las circunstancias predecían el comienzo de un periodo de mayor estabilidad para el desarrollo del negocio, se produce una grave crisis en el accionariado, relacionada en gran medida con la influencia que tenía en Vigo el colectivo alemán y la fractura social existente frente a los germanófilos. En estas circunstancias se fragmenta la sociedad. Rubira continua al frente del Servet, al que terminaría incorporándose el alemán Boehme, con el que ya compartía previamente otros negocios, mientras Obella buscaba nuevos socios, con mayor afinidad ideológica, para fundar Zeltia S.A. en agosto de 1939. (AU)

The origins of the process that culminated in the creation of the company Zeltia S.A., flagship of the Galician pharmaceutical industry, are presented in this paper. Its precedents appear in the formal constitution in Vigo of the Miguel Servet Biochemical Institute, in April 1936, although the pharmacist Rubira and the doctor Obella had been working on the project since at least 1929. The military uprising of 1936 had a direct impact on the early stages of the laboratory. While some partners are positioned in favor of the uprising, others are seriously affected by the repressive measures of the new regime. In any case, between one and the other, bonds of cooperation are established and loyalties are created. Even during the Civil War, professionals and technicians retaliated for their political ideology joined the laboratory. At the end of the fight, when the circumstances predicted the beginning of a period of greater stability for the development of the business, a serious crisis occurred in the shareholding, largely related to the influence that the German collective had in Vigo and the existing social fracture. against the Germanophiles. In these circumstances society is fragmented. Rubira continues to lead the Servetus, which the German Boehme would end up joining, with whom he had previously shared other businesses, while Obella was looking for new partners, with greater ideological affinity, to found Zeltia S.A. in August 1939. (AU)

História do Século XX , História da Farmácia , Indústria Farmacêutica/história , Espanha
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(4): 1045-1061, oct,-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421586


Resumo A Escola de Farmácia de Ouro Preto, fundada em 1839, foi a primeira da América Latina desvinculada de uma escola de medicina. No final do século XIX, contou com um acervo de modelos anatômicos franceses dos renomados Deyrolle, Dr. Auzoux e Vasseur-Tramod, muitos fabricados em cera ou papel machê. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo resgatar, identificar, higienizar, restaurar e expor os modelos. De unidades acadêmicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, 17 modelos anatômicos foram resgatados e transferidos para o Museu da Pharmacia, onde receberam o devido tratamento. Os modelos em melhores condições foram expostos no museu formando parte da coleção de ensino do curso de farmácia de Ouro Preto.

Abstract The Ouro Preto School of Pharmacy was founded in 1839 and was the first pharmacy school in Latin America independent from a medical school. At the end of the nineteenth century, it had a collection of French anatomical models made by Deyrolle, Dr. Auzoux, and Vasseur-Tramod, many produced from wax or papier-mâché. This project involved recovering, identifying, cleaning, restoring, and exhibiting seventeen models found in various facilities from Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. The models in good condition were exhibited in the Museum of Pharmacy (where this work was carried out) as part of the teaching collection for the Ouro Preto pharmacy course.

História da Farmácia , Coleções como Assunto , Modelos Anatômicos , Brasil , História do Século XIX
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 88(número extraordinario): 255-264, diciembre 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225720


La existencia de un Colegio de Farmacéuticos en todas las capitales de provincia y la inscripción de los farmacéuticos, en aquel que le correspondiera, son dos exigencias que emanan del Real Decreto de 12 de abril de 1898 (Gaceta de Madrid, 15-IV-1898). En el mes de septiembre de ese mismo año de 1898, Cecilio Núñez, farmacéutico establecido en el pueblo soriano de Agreda, en su trabajo «Datos Estadísticos» que vio la luz en La Farmacia Española, contabiliza 4.795 farmacias abiertas en toda España. Contabiliza, también, 365 partidos judiciales, lo que le permite concluir que a cada partido le correspondían de 13 a 14 farmacias y de que la media de habitantes por oficina de farmacia era de poco más de 2.593 almas. Resulta evidente, que este reparto de habitantes por oficina resultaba muy desigual de las zonas más pobladas a las menos e, incluso, de unas zonas del interior a otras.En el trabajo se analiza el desarrollo de los conocimientos farmacéuticos y la evolución del ejercicio profesional en la España rural durante los últimos años del siglo XIX y tres primeras décadas del siglo XX. Se presenta a unos profesionales con una cualificación científica muy alta, pero que viven, en muchos casos, en una situación económica precaria. Profesionales que, dejando aparte la función propiamente farmacéutica de preparación y dispensación de medicamentos, se implican en cuestiones higiénicos-sanitarias y que incluso, en no pocas ocasiones, tienen que asumir tareas de gestión municipal. (AU)

The existence of a College of Pharmacists in all provincial capitals and the registration of pharmacists, in the one that corresponds to them, are two requirements that emanate from the Royal Decree of 12-04-1898 (Gaceta de Madrid, 15-IV-1898). Cecilio Núñez, a pharmacist established in Agreda (Soria), in his work «Datos Estadísticos» (La Farmacia Española, 1898) counts 4.795 open pharmacies throughout Spain. 2.593 people corresponded to each pharmacy.In this paper analyzes the development of pharmaceutical knowledge and the evolution of professional practice in rural Spain during the last years of the 19th century and the first three decades of the 20th century. It is presented to professionals with a very high scientific qualification, but who live, in many cases, in a precarious economic situation. Professionals who, apart from the strictly pharmaceutical function of preparation and dispensing of medicines, are involved in hygienic-sanitary matters and who even, on many occasions, have to assume municipal management tasks. (AU)

Humanos , História do Século XX , História da Farmácia , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Prática Profissional , Espanha , Farmacêuticos
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 88(número extraordinario): 171-184, diciembre 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225732


Se trata de un trabajo bibliográfico que pretende obtener una “Mirada Farmacéutica” de la obra de García Márquez. En el mismo se relacionan plantas medicinales o derivados, algunos medicamentos y aspectos farmacéuticos, con las referencias literarias que aparecen en una muestra representativa de las novelas del autor, entre las que se incluyen Cien años de soledad y Amor en los Tiempos del cólera.Estas novelas trascurren en lugares imaginarios o reales de Colombia en los siglos XIX y primera mitad del XX. De forma mayoritaria se han encontrado remedios vegetales y en menor medida de origen químico y animal. Para cada uno de ellos se han realizado observaciones e interpretaciones medicamentosas, sociales e históricas, que ponen en valor la farmacia y las plantas medicinales, que el autor ha usado como recursos para construir las novelas, con independencia de que tengan una base científica o no. Para ello se acompañan con las literarias textuales. Como conclusión, destacamos la forma magistral con la que García usa estos recursos y recomendamos sus lecturas o relecturas, teniendo en cuenta también al mismo tiempo se puede hacer desde un punto de vista farmacéutico. (AU)

It is a bibliographic work that aims to obtain a “Pharmaceutical Look” at the work of García Márquez. It relates medicinal or associated plants, some medicinal and pharmaceutical aspects, with literary works that appear in a representative sample of the author’s novels, including One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Times of Cholera.These novels take place in imaginary or real places in Colombia in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. Plant remedies and to a lesser extent chemical and animal remedies have been found. For each of them, observations and interpretations medical, social and histórical, have been made that value the pharmacy and medicinal plants, which the author has used as resources to build the novels, regardless of whether they have a scientific basis or not. For this they are accompanied by textual literary texts. In conclusion, we highlight the masterful way in which García uses these resources and we recommend their reading or re-reading, also taking into account that at the same time it can be done from a pharmaceutical point of view. (AU)

Humanos , Etnobotânica , Etnofarmacologia , Farmacognosia , História da Farmácia
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 88(número extraordinario): 60-70, diciembre 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225787


El desabastecimiento de algodón y gasa hidrófilos, como ocurrió con tantos productos de empleo cotidiano, se sintió con gran intensidad en la España de posguerra. Con objeto de poner orden en el sector de los textiles sanitarios, el Ministerio de la Gobernación preparó el Decreto de 23 de diciembre de 1955 por el que se obligaba a las Empresas dedicadas a la elaboración de estos productos a contar con la garantía técnica que determinase la Dirección General de Sanidad y, muy especialmente, con que contaran con un farmacéutico en su dirección técnica. Las reclamaciones formuladas por los fabricantes de algodón y gasa hidrófilos, principalmente en lo referente a lo que se establecía en el artículo segundo del Decreto, que señalaba la obligatoriedad de contar en el plazo de un año con el ciclo completo de fabricación, hizo necesaria la intervención del Ministerio de la Presidencia, que por Orden de 22 de enero de 1957 constituyó la Comisión interministerial para revisión del Decreto del Ministerio de la Gobernación de 23 de diciembre de 1955. En este trabajo se profundiza en las disputas que se suscitaron en el seno de la Comisión interministerial entre los representantes de los Ministerios de Industria y de la Gobernación, en las conclusiones de la misma, así como en los efectos posteriores. Dos de estos efectos fueron las nuevas regulaciones del Ministerio de la Gobernación de los años 1963 y 1964 por las que, entre otras cosas, se creó el registro especial de Apósitos. (AU)

After the Spanish Civil War, there was an acute shortage of essential goods in the country, such as hydrophilic cotton. In order to organise the Sanitary Textil Industry, the Spanish Ministry of the Interior prepared a Decree (of 23 December 1955) by which the Companies dedicated to the elaboration of these products were forced to count on the technical guarantee that determined the Directorate General of Health. With this aim, industries should require a pharmacist in his technical direction. The claims formulated by the manufacturers of hydrophilic cotton prompted the intervention Spanish Ministry of Presidency. This Ministry, by the Order 1957 22th January, constituted a Commission to review the Decree of the Ministry of theInterior of 23 December 1955. This paper focuses on the disputes among representatives from both Industry and Interior Spanish Ministries within the Interministerial Commission. (AU)

Humanos , História do Século XX , História da Farmácia , Guerra , Prisões , Espanha
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 88(número extraordinario): 20-48, diciembre 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225790


La contribución de Teophilus Redwood tanto a la Farmacopea Británica como a la Farmacia Práctica son perfiladas en esta parte del trabajo. El galés Redwood es uno de los héroes de la farmacia británica, y la Escuela de Farmacia de la Universidad de Cardiff lleva su nombre: Edificio Redwood. Se consideran los comienzos de la “Pharmaceutical Society” y de la “Chemical Society”, ambas fundadas el mismo año, en 1841. La fundación de ambas instituciones fue un hecho decisivo en el establecimiento de la farmacia y la química como disciplinas académicas distintivas. Seis de los veintitrés miembros honorarios elegidos por la “Pharmaceutical Society” en 1841, se encontraban entre los fundadores de la “Chemical Society”. Redwood ocupó durante unos veinte años seguidos puestos directivos en la “Chemical Society”: miembro del Consejo (1849-50), Secretario (1851-65), Tesorero (1865-69) y Vicepresidente (1869-72). Se ofrece un breve resumen de los Congresos Internacionales de Farmacia. Redwood fue Presidente del 5º Congreso internacional de Farmacia, celebrado en Londres, que puede considerarse como una de las etapas previas en la creación de la Federación Farmacéutica Internacional (FIP). (AU)

Theophilus Redwood contribution to both the British Pharmacopeia and Practical Pharmacy are outlined in this part of the paper. The Welsh Redwood is one of the heroes of the British pharmacy and the building of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Cardiff takes his name: Redwood building. The beginnings of the Pharmaceutical Society and Chemical Society, both institutions founded in the same year, 1841, are outlined. The founding of both was a decisive event in the establishment of pharmacy and chemistry as distinctive academic disciplines. Six of the twenty-three honorary members elected by the Pharmaceutical Society in 1841 were among the founders of the Chemical Society. Redwood held executive positions in the Chemical Society for twenty consecutive years: Council member (1849-50), Secretary (1851-65), Treasurer (1865-69) and Vicepresident (1869-72). An overview of the International Congresses of Pharmacy is given. Redwood was President of the fifth International Congress of Pharmacy celebrated in London, one of the stages in the creation of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). (AU)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História , Farmácia , História da Farmácia
Dynamis (Granada) ; 42(2): 449-471, 2022.
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-223255


A consciência científica, clínica e pública da existência das doenças raras tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Os medicamentos denominados de “medicamentos órfãos” são aqueles que são apropriados para o tratamento de doenças raras. As doenças raras, comparadas com outras doenças, apresentam uma baixa incidência demográfica. Por esta razão, e em virtude das condições vigentes de comercialização, as indústrias farmacêuticas não apostam fortemente nos medicamentos órfãos. Os produtores não teriam oportunidade de recuperar o capital investido na investigação e desenvolvimento do medicamento. Neste estudo os autores fazem um historial dos medicamentos órfãos em Portugal tendo como fontes a legislação e regulamentação portuguesas no quadro da legislação e diretivas europeias, o papel das indústrias farmacêuticas em Portugal, a regulamentação e fiscalização realizada pelo INFARMED, IP, bem como o acesso dos doentes aos medicamentos órfãos e o papel fulcral das associações de doentes (AU)

Humanos , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Produção de Droga sem Interesse Comercial/história , Produção de Droga sem Interesse Comercial/legislação & jurisprudência , Legislação Farmacêutica/história , Legislação Farmacêutica/tendências , História da Farmácia , Doenças Raras/tratamento farmacológico , Indústria Farmacêutica/história , Indústria Farmacêutica/legislação & jurisprudência , Portugal
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 87(3): 255-264, julio- septiembre 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207500


La existencia de un Colegio de Farmacéuticos en todas las capitales de provincia y la inscripción de los farmacéuticos, en aquel que le correspondiera, son dos exigencias que emanan del Real Decreto de 12 de abril de 1898 (Gaceta de Madrid, 15-IV-1898). En el mes de septiembre de ese mismo año de 1898, Cecilio Núñez, farmacéutico establecido en el pueblo soriano de Agreda, en su trabajo «Datos Estadísticos» que vio la luz en La Farmacia Española, contabiliza 4.795 farmacias abiertas en toda España. Contabiliza, también, 365 partidos judiciales, lo que le permite concluir que a cada partido le correspondían de 13 a 14 farmacias y de que la media de habitantes por oficina de farmacia era de poco más de 2.593 almas. Resulta evidente, que este reparto de habitantes por oficina resultaba muy desigual de las zonas más pobladas a las menos e, incluso, de unas zonas del interior a otras. En el trabajo se analiza el desarrollo de los conocimientos farmacéuticos y la evolución del ejercicio profesional en la España rural durante los últimos años del siglo XIX y tres primeras décadas del siglo XX. Se presenta a unos profesionales con una cualificación científica muy alta, pero que viven, en muchos casos, en una situación económica precaria. Profesionales que, dejando aparte la función propiamente farmacéutica de preparación y dispensación de medicamentos, se implican en cuestiones higiénicos-sanitarias y que incluso, en no pocas ocasiones, tienen que asumir tareas de gestión municipal.(AU)

The existence of a College of Pharmacists in all provincial capitals and the registration of pharmacists, in the one that corresponds to them, are two requirements that emanate from the Royal Decree of 12-04-1898 (Gaceta de Madrid, 15-IV-1898). Cecilio Núñez, a pharmacist established in Agreda (Soria), in his work «Datos Estadísticos» (La Farmacia Española, 1898) counts 4.795 open pharmacies throughout Spain. 2.593 people corresponded to each pharmacy. In this paper analyzes the development of pharmaceutical knowledge and the evolution of professional practice in rural Spain during the last years of the 19th century and the first three decades of the 20th century. It is presented to professionals with a very high scientific qualification, but who live, in many cases, in a precarious economic situation. Professionals who, apart from the strictly pharmaceutical function of preparation and dispensing of medicines, are involved in hygienic-sanitary matters and who even, on many occasions, have to assume municipal management tasks.(AU)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , História da Farmácia , Saúde Pública , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Espanha , Zona Rural
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 87(3): 323-330, julio- septiembre 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207503


Max Weber (1864-1920), en el clásico Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus, trató de justificar el desigual desarrollo industrial de los diferentes países europeos en base a la división religiosa del continente, acaecida a raíz de la reforma luterana; según su planteamiento, el establecimiento del protestantismo en el norte y en el centro, y del catolicismo en el sur, convirtió a las zonas septentrionales en prósperas y a las meridionales en deprimidas, favoreciendo así una tendencia en los países protestantes por el trabajo en la fábrica, contrapuesta a la preferencia católica por las labores artesanales. En lo que a la industria farmacéutica se refiere, este planteamiento condujo a dos modelos diferentes: el centroeuropeo, de inspiración protestante, y el mediterráneo, establecido en países mayoritariamente católicos, como España. La industria farmacéutica fue el motor que impulsó a la nueva Terapéutica surgida durante el siglo XIX y lo hizo actuando sobre los dos componentes fundamentales del medicamento: la composición y la presentación; los países centroeuropeos y anglosajones se inclinaron por potenciar lo primero, mientras que la industria farmacéutica mediterránea canalizó sus esfuerzos hacia el producto de consumo final, la “especialidad farmacéutica”. Teniendo en cuenta este marco, nuestra intención es ofrecer un panorama general de lo que ha sido la industria farmacéutica española con anterioridad a la Transición, articulado en base a una serie de etapas que van, desde la irrupción de las farmacias-droguería a mediados del siglo XIX, hasta el establecimiento de los laboratorios farmacéuticos durante el franquismo, pasando por la tipificación de lo que conocemos como medicamento industrial (“remedios secretos”, “específicos” y “especialidades farmacéuticas”), su reconocimiento legal (Ley del Timbre y registro sanitario), sus materias primas y principales formas farmacéuticas.(AU)

Max Weber (1864-1920), in his classic Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus, tried to justify the unequal industrial development of the different European countries based on the religious division of the continent as result of the Lutheran Reformation; According to their approach, the establishment of Protestantism in the north and centre and Catholicism in the south became the northern areas prosperous and the southern areas depressed, encouraging a tendency in the Protestant countries towards factory work, in opposition to the Catholic preference for craftsmanship. As far as the pharmaceutical industry was concerned, this approach led to two different models: the Central European model, Protestant-inspired, and the Mediterranean model, established in mainly Catholic countries such as Spain. The pharmaceutical industry was the driving force behind the new therapeutics that emerged during the 19th century, and it did so by acting on the two fundamental components of the drug: composition and presentation; while the Central European and Anglo-Saxon countries were inclined to promote the composition, the Mediterranean pharmaceutical industry channelled its efforts towards the final consumer product, the “pharmaceutical speciality”. Taking this framework into account, our intention is to offer a general overview of the Spanish pharmaceutical industry prior to the Transition, based on a series of stages ranging from the emergence of drugstore pharmacies in the mid-19th century to the establishment of pharmaceutical laboratories during Franco’s regime, including the classification of what we know as industrial medicines (“secret remedies”, “specific” and “pharmaceutical specialities”), their legal recognition (Stamp Act and health registration), their raw materials and main pharmaceutical forms.(AU)

Humanos , Indústria Farmacêutica , História da Farmácia , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Espanha
Ambix ; 68(2-3): 154-179, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34058962


The chair of chymiatria created at the University of Marburg was among the earliest academic initiatives aiming to integrate chymistry into the medical curriculum. If its practical applications in pharmacy and its relationship with patronage have been examined by historians, the theoretical part of the chymiatria programme still remains to be explored. In the form of student disputations and dissertations held or presided over by Heinrich Petraeus, a professor of medicine at Marburg and Johannes Hartmann's son-in-law, "chymiatric" essays expounded various medical issues. Centred on pathology, therapy, and physiology, these theoretical explanations proposed a "hermetic-dogmatic" interpretation merging the views of Paracelsus and Galen. This article examines these disputations and their stance concerning the living body, sickness, and treatment, and how they shaped the status of chymistry as an art and a science on the verge of institutionalisation.

Alquimia , Dissidências e Disputas/história , História da Farmácia , Farmácia/métodos , Alemanha , História da Medicina , História do Século XVII , Universidades
Pharmazie ; 75(11): 606-610, 2020 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33239139


The study covers the period of World War II after shift of occupational powers in Latvia when Soviet occupation was replaced by the occupation regime of Nazi Germany in the summer of 1941 and retained until first half of 1945. Due to this shift gradually Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Belarus were merged into a single administrative area and designated as "Ostland". Soviet officials left the pharmaceutical industry, which they had tried to apply to the communist ideology from June 1940 to June 1941 creating confusion and chaos. The renewed Pharmacy Board of Latvia had to deal with the restoration of supervision and a partial return from the communist to the capitalist regime. The research provides an insight to adaptation and development of the pharmaceutical industry in Latvia during Nazi Germany occupation regime, highlighting as essential indicators the administrative operation of Pharmacy Board of Latvia and its cooperation with German authorities, the availability of medicines, process of reprivatisation of pharmacies and changes in the number of pharmaceutical employees. The research issue raised is topical, since it is this period that reflects the industry's ability to adapt and perform work in fundamentally different and severe circumstances, which include both resource deficits and the transition from one regime to another. The collected evidence shows the efforts to stabilize the pharmaceutical industry in many terms. One example was the attemptions to ensure the rational dispensing of medical products to the pharmacies and hospitals, with the greatest degree of austerity, because the supply and consumption of medication was extremely complex issue throughout the war.

Indústria Farmacêutica/história , Socialismo Nacional/história , Assistência Farmacêutica/história , História da Farmácia , História do Século XX , Humanos , Letônia , II Guerra Mundial
Acta Med Hist Adriat ; 18(1): 15-26, 2020 06 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32638597


The heritage of Slovenian house names and surnames reflects, among others, the former medicine and pharmaceutical occupations, midwifery, and folk medicine practices, and besides that, also health status and illnesses of people. Surnames, which are especially strongly intertwined with family, local and social history, are closely related to folk medicine and magic. Unlike house names (vulgo), which are the usual nicknames for physical and mental characteristics and abilities, surnames denote medical occupations and medicinal folk practice as such. According to the most recent data (as of January 1, 2020) of The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, at least 40 surnames reminiscent former medical or pharmaceutical professions. These newly discovered digital data in open access are precious for the history of medicine because they allow comparing surnames geographically, by frequency, and through the time.

História da Medicina , História da Farmácia , Nomes , Médicos/história , Animais , Educação Médica/história , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Medicina Tradicional/história , Eslovênia